Out Of Hours (OOH)

With the introduction of Primary Care Networks (PCNs) and with the government putting more and more emphasis on the need for more flexible GP hours, attention is turning to the benefits that Imperium can bring to both GP practice-based clinicians as well as to the patients.

As it is now a mandatory requirement for all practices to provide an extended hours service in addition to the standard coverage, why not let Imperium provide your OOH service provision for you?

“You really got us out of a big hole and helped reduce our never-ending backlog.”

Operations Manager

Greater Flexbility & Improved Quality

Working out of hours provides greater flexibility for both patients and the Imperium Healthcare pharmacists, allowing for busy lifestyles revolving around work and personal lives. It also ensures that patients get the help they need faster, without having to rely on alternate health services which could, delay the process of them receiving support.

Out of hours work not only includes surgery and face to face consultations, but also video and phone consultations, as well as corresponding and giving advice through email. Out of hours operating times vary depending on the practice needs but usually operate between 6pm-8pm, but the flexibility of our services means that we can accommodate all of your needs.

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