Professor James Kingsland Joins Imperium Healthcare

James Kingsland joins imperium healthcare as chief medical advisor

We are delighted to announce that Professor James Kingsland O.B.E. has joined Imperium Healthcare as Chief Medical Advisor.

As the former president of the NAPC (National Association of Primary Care) Professor Kingsland’s wealth of experience as a National Clinical Director and General Practitioner is a powerful addition to the robust Imperium Healthcare team. His role will be strategic and advisory to the Board of Directors.

Unique as a skilled clinician, and manager of change, he has been at the forefront of NHS reform for over 25 years. 

Moreover, as a former Senior Partner in a nationally renowned, award winning General Practice in the North West of England, he has an abundance of experience in primary care, medical politics, medical education and more. 

Professor Kingsland is also the founding director of Waring Health Ltd, an international specialist medical consultancy firm. Internationally, he is the primary care lead for the Faculty of Disaster Medicine for India and Nepal. 

He was a General Practice trainer for over 20 years and an undergraduate tutor at the medical schools of Liverpool and University College London. In June 2018, the School of Medicine at the University of Central Lancashire appointed him as an honorary clinical professor.

Beyond Professor Kingsland’s international and educational credentials, he was the co-creator of the new care model, The Primary Care Home, the blueprints of which have been utilised by NHS England within the NHS Long Term Plan to create a national coverage of Primary Care Networks.

Currently, he’s helping the Isle of Man government rewrite their healthcare policy, holds a number of consultancies, and runs a national network for Practice Managers.

We are excited to harness his invaluable knowledge across our primary care support processes at Imperium Healthcare. 

For more information, you can also follow him on Twitter @JamesPKingsland

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