Quality Improvement & Auditing

Primary Care, including GP surgeries, PCNs, CCGs,  STPs, community pharmacies, care homes and prisons throughout the UK are facing unprecedented challenges that require policy makers, providers and suppliers to rethink how they work. With a vast amount of industry experience, Imperium Healthcare are uniquely positioned to provide quality improvement guidance to support the Primary Care environment. This helps successfully navigate the rapidly changing Primary Care landscape and transform the way that healthcare is provided.

“You really got us out of a big hole and helped reduce our never-ending backlog.”

Operations Manager

Improving Patient Outcomes

We all live in a society where we expect a gold standard for every service we receive. Healthcare is no different. As a patient, we expect our clinicians to provide the best possible service safely, efficiently and effectively. Historically primary healthcare organisations have conducted audits on an ad-hoc basis and tackling quality improvement may have been pushed to the bottom of the pile as GP practices suffer from limited resources. Therefore, tending to prioritise seeing patients rather than assessing the quality of their own service.

Clinical audits involve reviewing the delivery of healthcare services and processes to ensure best practice is carried out. The move away from historically being optional to being obligatory in recent years, can only be a move in the right direction to ensure the best possible care is received by every patient within a GP practice.  With the Healthcare Commission currently monitoring all NHS Trusts to ensure that clinical audits are being implemented, the time is right to let Imperium support you on your audit journey.

Key Benefits

Stress elimination 

Conducting clinical audits can be very time consuming and can be seen to be taking away the focus of patient care from the organisations clinical staff. Imperium Healthcare can eliminate this heavy workload from you. Enabling you to focus on what you do best – spending quality time with patients to deliver a gold service.

Access to highly trained pharmacists

Our highly skilled Imperium Healthcare pharmacists have many years of clinical experience which enables them to provide your organisation full support on any clinical audit you require.

Better patient care

By allowing our pharmacists to conduct your clinical audits, it enables you to identify areas that need improvement, meaning that your patients (patients/residents/prisons) will receive a continually improving service.